WtSSA Art and Quote Dump

Due to some unexpected delays, When the Stars Shine Again‘s paperback is taking quite a bit longer to release than originally intended.

Whoops. *Nervous laugh* My apologies.

On that note, though, I was planning to illustrate WtSSA, but some tech problems led to me being unable to upload the illustrations into the manuscript. Eheh.

So…I’m going to dump them all here! Along with some of my favorite quotes from the chapters they go with.

Hope you enjoy!

Wren from Chapter 2

A thin ray of light tore through the darkness. A warm breeze wrapped around her, cutting past the Mist and filling the emptiness. 

With a jerk, the Mist vanished, thrusting her back into the evening air.

The flower from Chapter 3

“Wha’s a fwower?” The girl on His knee lisped, searching the Man’s face with wide eyes. 

The Man’s own eyes dimmed for a moment, filling with the deepest sorrow Wren had ever seen. Even the light around them seemed to dim, as if mourning the innocence condemned to the life of the Unwanted.

The Black Mist from Chapter 18

 “The Black Mist rules here, Wren. Not the king. Not you. Not me. And most definitely not a Man getting Himself killed over a fairytale about better times.” 

Wren from Chapter 11

Zandier blinked, staring down at her. “What in Ailnirha do you mean by gone? They…I can see them every night. They can’t just disappear like this.”

“If only that were true.” A short, wry laugh burst from her. “The Mist is too powerful here. Even the stars succumb to its darkness.” 

Zandier turned back to the shadows above them, shaking his head. “I…I didn’t know that was possible.”

Well, it is. 

Wren held back another scoff, tightening her arms around her knees. “That’s something I miss the most about Ailnirha.” She joined Zandier in staring up at the empty, lightless void above them. “The stars. The way they shine. The way they fill even the darkest corners with a small light.”

When the Stars Shine Again is now available on Amazon as an ebook, with the paperback coming soon! And you can also check it out on Goodreads.

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