Category: Art

  • WtSSA Art and Quote Dump

    WtSSA Art and Quote Dump

    Due to some unexpected delays, When the Stars Shine Again‘s paperback is taking quite a bit longer to release than originally intended. Whoops. *Nervous laugh* My apologies. On that note, though, I was planning to illustrate WtSSA, but some tech problems led to me being unable to upload the illustrations into the manuscript. Eheh. So…I’m…

  • Mini Art Dump

    Mini Art Dump

    The artist’s bug has bitten again. So to make up for this horrendous calamity—and to free myself up to continue work on publishing WtSSA—I took a short break from my secret commission project to bring you all a mini dump of the art I have been making in my not-so-spare time. Hope you enjoy! And…

  • Art Dump

    Art Dump

    This will probably be the last art dump I’ll post for awhile, as I’m about to dive into a pretty big secret commission project. So hopefully you all will enjoy the results of writing time and again taking the backseat to drawing. 😂 I’ve been doing quite a bit of fan art as a way…

  • Art Dump

    Art Dump

    …I have spent more time drawing than writing recently, and as a writer, that may not be the best thing… Oh, well. I need the practice. I also needed something to post tonight, but had nothing to write about, so I figured another art dump couldn’t hurt. 😂 What is your favorite type of art?…

  • Fan Art Dump

    Fan Art Dump

    Art has been stacking up again, and I found that I have been doing a ton of fan art for some of my favorite books. So I figured it was a great time for another short art dump! 🤭

  • Character Art Dump

    Character Art Dump

    I’ve been doing a ton of drawing lately, and since they are all character/book related, I figured it’d be fun to share them in a mini art dump! Well, that’s all I’ve got. 😆 Hey! Maybe I’ll do this again sometime!