Category: Upcoming Books

  • Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal: Winter

    Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal: Winter

    *Dashes in* Wow. I am soooo late for this cover reveal. I blame it on the snow these last four covers brought with them. A huge storm covered the library in snow drifts. It took the White Rabbit four days to dig himself out! Ehem. Anyways. On to the covers! But first… … About the…

  • A Noble Warrior Cover Reveal!!

    A Noble Warrior Cover Reveal!!

    Today I get to share the cover for my book in the Cornerstone Series, A Noble Warrior! Writing has been going slowly, but just last night I revealed the biggest plot twist in the book. It was absolutely wonderful. *evil author laughter* Agh, I’ve been waiting for ages to share this cover, and I am…

  • Cornerstone Cover Reveal: Summer

    Cornerstone Cover Reveal: Summer

    A white rabbit scrambles in, holding up a pocket watch and tapping on the glass front. “I’m late…oh, I’m late…and the librarian isn’t even around to reveal these covers!” He hops in a circle, rubbing one paw distractedly on his dark blue waistcoat. “Oh dear…oh dear…” His pocket watch chimes and he glances down at…

  • Cornerstone Cover Reveal: Spring!

    Cornerstone Cover Reveal: Spring!

    *Fairytale music plays and birds sing somewhere in the far corners of the library.* Once upon a time there was an author who never seemed to get her blog posts up on time. Oh, and she also happened to be a part of a Multi-Author series called Cornerstone. Wait a sec…hold up! *Fairytale music screeches…

  • Cover Reveal: Voices of the Future

    Cover Reveal: Voices of the Future

    I’m so excited to be a part of this cover reveal!! Nine students from the Author Conservatory have put their amazing skills together to form this anthology…and now it has a cover! But before I can show you the cover… About the anthology: Discover the next generation of storytellers! The second edition of Voices of…

  • Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal Signups

    Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal Signups

    Cover reveal signups already?? *Panics and races to go work on A Noble Warrior.* Wow. I cannot believe that the series is already at this point. Like…how? Last I knew, the covers didn’t even exist yet. Anyways…signups are open for the Cornerstone series cover reveals!! Ever wanted to reveal sixteen covers in just four posts?…

  • Introducing…


    Sixteen authors. Sixteen books. Sixteen fairytales. NA Christian fantasy with no magic and a side of romance. Folks, the secret story I’ve mentioned every now and then, [CLASSIFIED], is no longer classified!! Introducing… *Drum roll* A Noble Warrior is a NA non-magical fantasy retelling of the Nutcracker, featuring: ~ Autumn Vibes ~~ Exiled Royalty ~~…



    You step through the library, scanning the shelves for your favorite books. As you walk down the long rows, resisting the temptation to ride the rolling ladder, you note that the library is well stocked. The best books in all your favorite genres line the walls, stretching upwards until they would have been hopeless to…

  • When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    It’s When the Stars Shine Again’s release day! …how? 😂 It was only a couple of months ago that a faint idea of a girl on a star-lit hill popped into my mind, sparking this whole writing adventure. And I honestly didn’t believe it would end in this beautiful novella being available to the world.…

  • WtSSA Release Tour Signups

    WtSSA Release Tour Signups

    I cannot believe When the Stars Shine Again releases in less than a week! It feels like I only just started scribbling down ideas for this project. And now I’m suddenly scrambling to get everything finished in time. But…somehow…release day is almost here. And I could use your help to spread the word about WtSSA’s…