Tag: Book Release

  • Shattered Resistance Release

    Shattered Resistance Release

    I’m so excited to help share about Shattered Resistance’s release!! It is SUCH an amazing book. Go check it out. Now. Or…once you finish reading this post. Everyone has a secret… Lady Myranthe Delmare has two wishes—to ensure the right man rules her kingdom and uncover why her sister has suddenly fallen mute. Her efforts…

  • Now in Paperback!!

    Now in Paperback!!

    After unexpected delays, technical difficulties, and lots of edits… When the Star Shine Again‘s paperback is here!! *Throws confetti and hangs up balloons.* It is such a pretty paperback. Seriously. I can’t stop staring at it. And now it’s out, and you all can get it and stare at it too!! *Innocent face* About When…

  • When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    It’s When the Stars Shine Again’s release day! …how? 😂 It was only a couple of months ago that a faint idea of a girl on a star-lit hill popped into my mind, sparking this whole writing adventure. And I honestly didn’t believe it would end in this beautiful novella being available to the world.…