Tag: Signups

  • Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal Signups

    Cornerstone Series Cover Reveal Signups

    Cover reveal signups already?? *Panics and races to go work on A Noble Warrior.* Wow. I cannot believe that the series is already at this point. Like…how? Last I knew, the covers didn’t even exist yet. Anyways…signups are open for the Cornerstone series cover reveals!! Ever wanted to reveal sixteen covers in just four posts?…

  • WtSSA Release Tour Signups

    WtSSA Release Tour Signups

    I cannot believe When the Stars Shine Again releases in less than a week! It feels like I only just started scribbling down ideas for this project. And now I’m suddenly scrambling to get everything finished in time. But…somehow…release day is almost here. And I could use your help to spread the word about WtSSA’s…

  • When the Stars Shine Again ARC Signups

    When the Stars Shine Again ARC Signups

    I usually try not to post twice in one day, but… after some scheduling mistakes…here I am! 😂 I cannot believe that it’s already time for WtSSA’s ARCs! I want to both celebrate and hide. (As an author, opening up a story that has so far only been yours since its creation is one of…

  • Cover Reveal Signups!

    Cover Reveal Signups!

    I cannot believe it’s almost time to reveal the cover for my novella, When the Stars Shine Again. Apparently time flies when I’m focused on a million different projects for it at once. 😂 Most of the information can be found in the form, and the official reveal will happen on November tenth. Signups close…