Is There a Light?

At the dawn of time, the Great Creator breathed light into darkness. With just a single word, He made everything out of nothing.

He created beauty, wonder, and perfection. He crafted a world where no two things were alike, a unique and magnificent reflection of His majesty.

And to dwell in that world, filling it with laughter and joy, He made His most wonderful creations.

Eftirl. Elves. Humans. Each in His image, perfect mirrors reflecting His perfect light into the Countries. And He loved them all.

All was perfection. All were content, using the gifts He had given them to glorify their Great Creator.

But then…one was not content.

The Great Creator’s own servant, the most powerful and magnificent of all those who dwelt in the light…sought the darkness. He wanted power. His own power. Not a reflection of his Creator’s.

But light has no place for darkness, and he was cast away.

Broken, twisted, thirsting for the light even as he was consumed with a need to destroy it, he searched for a way to destroy the rest of the light’s creations. And what better way to do that than to turn to darkness those the most precious to the Great Creator?

And so he went to those who dwelt in the Countries, and showed them the darkness, claiming it was more powerful than the light, and the Great Creator did not want them to know this.

And they doubted the Creator and His light. They decided they wanted to create darkness, instead of reflecting His light.

And thus…the Mist was born. 

The eftirl, the elves, the humans, they all realized what they had done. But it was too late. They were now tainted by the darkness, and just like the one who now called himself Shadows, they could not remove it and return to the light. 

And so the Mist spread over the land, consuming and devouring all. The peoples were marked by it, some on the outside, all on the inside. Shadows ruled the Countries, delighting in the destruction he had caused in the Great Creator’s perfection. The Mist twisted the peoples’ hearts and no matter what they could do, they were now seeped in darkness, and had no way to fight it.

That is the world that my novella, When the Stars Shine Again, takes place in.

There is no light. No hope. Just the Mist.

And the Mist has totally destroyed the life of a young elf named Wren, leaving her outcast and alone.

Is there a light?

She doesn’t think so.

But then…well…

You’ll have to read the story to find out what happens.

When the Stars Shine Again is an allegorical fantasy about Christ’s death and resurrection, from the POV of Mary Magdalene. It starts out a broken tale about broken people…but it doesn’t end that way.

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