Tag: WtSSA

  • Do you like…

    Do you like…

    Do you like… ~ Vast, empty, and beautifully starlit night skies? ~ ~ Evil villains and chilling climaxes? ~ ~ Characters that make you squeal, scream, and want to slap some sense into them while giving them the biggest hug you possibly can? ~ Do you long for… ~ A desperate glimpse of hope, even…

  • Is There a Light?

    Is There a Light?

    At the dawn of time, the Great Creator breathed light into darkness. With just a single word, He made everything out of nothing. He created beauty, wonder, and perfection. He crafted a world where no two things were alike, a unique and magnificent reflection of His majesty. And to dwell in that world, filling it…

  • A Quest…

    A Quest…

    I have started a quest. A quest with a rather lofty goal for someone with my marketing skills. XD But…perhaps…that’s where you guys come in? If you’ve read any of my past posts, you’ll most likely know that I recently published an allegorical fantasy novella, When the Stars Shine Again. And I have set a…

  • Now in Paperback!!

    Now in Paperback!!

    After unexpected delays, technical difficulties, and lots of edits… When the Star Shine Again‘s paperback is here!! *Throws confetti and hangs up balloons.* It is such a pretty paperback. Seriously. I can’t stop staring at it. And now it’s out, and you all can get it and stare at it too!! *Innocent face* About When…

  • WtSSA Art and Quote Dump

    WtSSA Art and Quote Dump

    Due to some unexpected delays, When the Stars Shine Again‘s paperback is taking quite a bit longer to release than originally intended. Whoops. *Nervous laugh* My apologies. On that note, though, I was planning to illustrate WtSSA, but some tech problems led to me being unable to upload the illustrations into the manuscript. Eheh. So…I’m…

  • When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    When the Stars Shine Again Release!!

    It’s When the Stars Shine Again’s release day! …how? 😂 It was only a couple of months ago that a faint idea of a girl on a star-lit hill popped into my mind, sparking this whole writing adventure. And I honestly didn’t believe it would end in this beautiful novella being available to the world.…